Our Services

We are industry experts in...

New Product Launches

Whether through crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, Amazon or DTC — LFG uses a repeatable playbook to ensure your success.

Ecommerce Growth

We build the foundation for brands to grow revenue across multiple markets and sales channels.

Marketing & Retail Strategy

Our expertise allows for clients to successfully navigate the complex marketing and retail environment.

Community Building & Engagement

We create an engaged audience that are fans of your brand and will be there day one to purchase & promote your products.

About LFG

Laying Foundational Growth is the premier consulting firm for comprehensive Go-To-Market strategies for innovative companies.

  • Our Mission

    LFG was founded in 2019 with the mantra of always being there to propel the entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Values

    Listen. Plan. Execute

Chat with our team

Meet our Founder

John has been working with founders and product leaders for over 15 years. John was the first sales hire at Indiegogo. He grew that platform to raise over $2B and to become the launchpad platform for numerous brands including MVMT watches, MATE bikes & Stone Brewery. John has led the onboarding teams at the experiential marketing companies b8ta, SHOWFIELDs team, and the unicorn retail investment platform Republic.

John's experience:

Meet Mark

A seasoned serial entrepreneur and founder, Mark’s experience has been forged in the fast-paced world of startups, raising an impressive $25 million as a co-founder at Swell Commerce. He’s an expert at D2C (e.g., preorders, subscriptions, and crowdfunding), B2B, Marketplaces, SaaS and Omnichannel sales. Mark was a co-founder of Jellyfish Art (Y-Combinator Winter 2011) which raised $2m in preorders on Kickstarter. Mark has worked with innovators and brands like Disney, Timex, and August Smart Locks for over 10 years to launch the next generation of products and services."

Mark's Experience: